The Hub for the Digital MObility TransformatION

This is a national project coordinated by CIM4.0 to accelerate competitiveness in the sustainable mobility sector through digital technologies like AI, Cybersecurity, and HPC. HD-MOTION is structured around four pillars: pre-investment testing, skills development, access to funding, and the creation of a national/international ecosystem.

Core Technologies

HD-MOTION focuses on three core technological areas

Artificial Intelligence

  • Design and development of connected, autonomous, and eco-friendly vehicles
  • Support for Advanced Production Monitoring Systems

High-Performance Computing

  • Reduction of Time and Costs in Transport Infrastructure Planning
  • Real-Time Optimization of Digitalized Transport Systems


  • Ensuring the authenticity and integrity of vehicle data
  • Privacy protection
  • Secure transactions on shared mobility platforms


Discover services funded up to 100%


Discover services
funded up to 100%



Discover the training charter and stay updated to the lastest skills


The HD-MOTION project targets three different entities

Small Enterprises

financial contribution up to 100%

Medium Enterprises

financial contribution up to 80%

Large Enterprises

financial contribution up to 50%

Public Administration

financial contribution up to 100%

Project partners


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